Barreto, Raimundo (Personal Name)
- Barreto, Raimundo César
- Barreto Júnior, Raimundo César
- Júnior, Raimundo César Barreto
Facing the poor, 2009: title page (Raimundo Barreto) back cover (The author holds a Ph. D. degree in Christian Social Ethics from Princeton Theological Seminary. He is the founder of the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Social Ethics in Brazil, serves as senior pastor of Igreja Batista Esperança, in Bahia, Brazil, and teaches philosophy and ethics at UNIRB)
OCLC, May 7, 2013 (hdgs.: Barreto, Raimundo, Barreto, Raimundo César; usage: Raimundo Barreto, Raimundo C. Barreto, Raimundo César Barreto)
Evangélicos e pobreza no Brasil, 2013: title page (Raimundo César Barreto Jr.) back flap (Raimundo César BArreto Jr.; doctorate degree in Christian Social Ethics from Princeton Theological Seminary) Brazilian CIP (access point: Barreto Júnior, Raimundo César)