Yu, JungJa Joy (Personal Name)
Breaking the glass box, 2013: title page (JungJa Joy Yu)
Linkedin website, Viewed September 26, 2014: JungJa (Joy) Yu) http://www.linkedin.com/pub/jungja-joy-yu/5a/ab6/b41?trk=pub-pbmap
Wipf and Stock Publishers website, viewed September 30, 2014 authors (JungJa Joy Yu is a feminist scholar and minister who graduated from Sogang University (Life Science, 1993), Fuller Theological Seminary (MDiv, 2008), and Claremont School of Theology (MA, 2013). She has been involved in various multicultural ministries in Korea, the United States, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, the Philippines, Morocco, Spain, and East Malaysia through her local and international outreaches. She currently pursues both her PhD program and her call as a pastor) https://wipfandstock.com/author/54040