Nature Effect of human beings on (Topical Term)
- Anthropogenic effects on nature
- Ecological footprint
- Broader heading: Human beings
- Anthropogenic soils
- Human ecology
OCLC, Dec. 10, 1999 (Natural and anthropogenic causes and effects of soil acidification; impact of human activities on the environment; ecology of estuaries : anthropogenic effects; effects of anthropogenic activities and natural events on a freshwater tidal marsh; natural and anthropogenic changes; anthropogenic transformation of natural ecosystems; disturbance and ecosystems; ecology of natural and anthropogenic disturbance processes; ecological impact of human disturbance; ecological effects of pollution, disturbance, and other stresses; habitat alteration and human disturbance)
Wackernagel, M. Our ecological footprint, 1996: t.p. (human impact on the Earth)
Wikipedia, Sept. 23, 2009 (ecological footprint is a measure of human deman on the earth's ecosystems)