Theological anthropology (Topical Term)
- Anthropology, Doctrinal
- Anthropology, Theological
- Body and soul (Theology)
- Doctrinal anthropology
- Humanity, Doctrine of
- Man, Doctrine of
- Earlier heading: Man (Theology)
- Mankind, Doctrine of
- Broader heading: Religion
Blackwell encyc. of modern Christian thought, 1993 (anthropology, Christian)
Dict. of comparative religion, 1970 (Man, Doctrine of)
Encyclopedic dict. of religion, 1979 (Man; Anthropology, theological)
Evangelical dict. of theology, 2001 (Mankind, Doctrine of)
Harvey, V. Hdbk. of theological terms, 1964 (anthropology)
McKim, D. Westminster dict. of theological terms, 1996 (humanity, doctrine of; anthropology, theological)
New dict. of theology, 1988 (anthropology)
O'Collins, G. Concise dict. of theology, 2000 (anthropology)
Web search by Google, June 14, 2005 (theological anthropology used for sites on Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and African religions)
Here are entered works on the theology of humankind. Works on the branch of learning that treats religion from an anthropological perspective are entered under Anthropology of religion.
Note under Anthropology of religion