Rdzogs-chen (Topical Term)
- Atiyoga
- Dzogchen
- Dzogschen
- Rdsogs-chen
- Rdzogs-chen Rnying-ma-pa (Sect)
- Earlier heading: Rdzogs-chen (Rñiṅ-ma-pa)
- Rdzogs-pa-chen-pa
- Broader heading: Spiritual life Buddhism
Schmidt, M. The Dzogchen primer, 2002.
Web site Dzogchen.info.ms, April 1, 2005 (essay on "The Bon view of Dzogchen": Although there have been practicioners of Dzogchen in all the Tibetan religious traditions, such as the Gelugpa school, the Karyupa school, and the Sakyapa school, the most important lineages of the Dzogchen teachings are found in Bon and in the Nyingmapa Buddhist school)