Sadomasochism (Topical Term)
- Algolagnia
- Algophilia
- BDSM (Sexual behavior)
- Masochism, Sexual
- S & M (Sadomasochism)
- S and M (Sadomasochism)
- S/M (Sadomasochism)
- Sadism, Sexual
- Sado-masochism
- Earlier heading: Sexual masochism
- Sexual sadism
Web. 3.
Random House.
Psychiatric dict., 5th ed.
Lexicon der Erotik (Algolagnia)
Dynes, W. Homolexis, c1985 (sadomasochism; algolagnia; S & M)
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : DSM-IV, c1994: p. 529 (Sexual Masochism) p. 530 (Sexual Sadism) p. 522-523 (paraphilias)
Hogan, S. Completely queer : the Gay and Lesbian encyc., 1998 (S/M: Abbreviation--which devotees prefer to the longer, clinical word--for "sadomasochism")
Human sexuality : an encyc., 1994: p. 528 ("sadomasochistic interaction is explicitly sexual and must be mutually defined in that way by participants. Acts of dominance and submission outside of the sexual arena are simply not perceived by participants as fitting the criteria of sadomasochism. Outside the sadomasochistic scene, dominants are not cruel, nor are submissives necessarily passive. It is only within the sexual context that such behavior is perceived as appropriate.") p. 435-437 (in entry under paraphilias: sadomasochism, sexually attracted to or aroused by reciprocal interaction of sadist with masochist; algophilia, sexually attracted to or aroused by pain)
Encyc. of homosexuality, 1990 (Sadomasochism (S/M); S&M)
LC database, June 6, 2000 (in titles: S/M; S&M; S & M; S and M; S-M; SM; sadomasochism)
Deviants' dictionary, via WWW, Aug. 22, 2000 (BDSM. Sometimes BD/SM: Bondage and Discipline, Domination and Submission, Sadism and Masochism. Catch-all term much used in North America to lump together those perves who play with physical pain and those who don't, reflecting a concern that the term SM, with its associations with pain, is not always appropriate. See also BD, SM; SM: Abbreviation for sadomasochism)
Yahoo!, Aug. 22, 2000 (category: Society and Culture > Sexuality > Activities and Practices > BDSM)
Here are entered works on the sexual manifestation of sadism and/or masochism.