Social medicine (Topical Term)
- Medical care Social aspects
- Medical sociology
- Medicine Social aspects
- Medicine, Social
- Broader heading: Public health
- Broader heading: Public welfare
- Broader heading: Sociology
- Medical ethics
- Medical sociologists
Han, D.S. Origins and Evolution of Social Medicine and Contemporary Social Medicine in Korea in J Prev Med Public Health. 2017 May; 50(3): 141--157, viewed online March 14, 2019 (People are simultaneously biological and social organisms, and thus human health and disease are affected by social factors as well as by biological factors. Included in the basic idea and concept of social medicine is that the interdisciplinary program between medicine and social science would provide medicine with knowledge and skills needed to analyze the social causes of health and illness in the same way as the alliance between medicine and laboratory sciences had provided new insights into the biological, chemical and physical bases of disease)