Islam 21st century (Topical Term)
Work cat.: 00293767: Nadwat al-Taḥaddīyāt allatī Tuwājihu al-Ummah al-Islāmīyah fī al-Qarn al-Muqbil, al-ʻAyn 20-22 Dīsimbir 1997 M, 1997.
Here are entered works of a predominantly religious nature discussing 21st century problems and prospects of Islam and desirable changes, including works that advocate a civilization or society based on the teachings of Islam. Works on the medieval civilization of the Middle East, North Africa and Arab Spain collectively are entered under Islamic civilization. Works on the civilization of the Arab countries for all periods, or for the pre-Islamic or modern periods only, are entered under Civilization, Arab. Works on the civilization of the Islamic countries for all periods, or for the pre-Islamic or modern periods only, as well as non-Islamic culture during the medieval period, are entered under Islamic countries--Civilization.
Notes under Islamic civilization; Civilization, Arab; Islam--20th century; Islamic countries--Civilization