Generation Y (Topical Term)
- Echo boomers
- Echo generation
- Generation M
- Generation Why?
- Millennial generation
- Millennials (Generation Y)
- Net generation
- Newmils
- Thatcher's children (Generation Y)
- Broader heading: Generations
- Broader heading: Population
Work cat.: 2005018685: Verhaagen, David Allan. Parenting the millennial generation, c2005: eCIP galley (Millennials)
Wikipedia home page, June 30, 2005: Generation Y article (Generation Y; Generation Why?; Millennial generation; "Echo (Boom) generation;" Net generation; Newmils; "Thatcher's children (in UK);" Echo generation (in Canada))
American Heritage dict.
Encarta World English dict.
Teaching Generation M, c2009: ECIP galley (names for this group have varied from Net Gen to Gen Next to Gen Y, but now seem to have coalesced around Generation Media or Generation Millennial or Gen M)
Here are entered works on the generation born in the 1980s and 1990s.