Continental philosophy (Topical Term)
- Philosophy, Continental
- Broader heading: Philosophy, Modern
Work cat.: 2005018164: After God, 2005.
Cambridge dict. phil.
Edinburgh dictionary of continental philosophy WWW site, July 1, 2005: Prospectus page ("'continental philosophy' has come to lose its geographical sense ... due to the strong interest in such a philosophy in the Anglophone world--it makes little sense to call someone ... in North America, Australia, or indeed the United Kingdom or Ireland, a 'continental philosopher' if that term is intended geographically")
Wikipedia WWW site, July 1, 2005: Contintental philosophy page ("while it derives from the philosophical traditions of non-Anglophone Europe, much 'continental' philosophy, at least since the 1980s, has been taught and written in the United States and the United Kingdom")