Emerging church movement (Topical Term)
- Emergent church movement
- Broader heading: Non-institutional churches
Work cat.: Carson, D.A. Becoming conversant with the emerging church : understanding a movement and its implications, 2005.
Gibbs, E. Emerging churches : creating Christian community in postmodern cultures, 2005: p. 28 ("Emerging churches are missional communities arising from within postmodern culture and consisting of followers of Jesus who are seeking to be faithful in their place and time")
"Exploring the emergent church," Christian century 121, no. 24 (Nov. 30, 2004):22-23.
Marcia Ford, "Pomos toward Paradise," Publishers weekly 252, no. 3 (Jan. 17, 2005):24-26: (deals with the development of the emerging church movement in the U.S. publishing industry, including the decision of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association to add an "Emerging Church" subcategory to its Church and Ministry category)