Ricœur, Paul (Personal Name)
- Lü-ko-erh
- Ricœur, P. (Paul)
- Li-kʻo, Pao-lo
- ريكور، بول
- ريكور، پول
- Рикёр, Поль
- Rikër, Polʹ
- Ricœur, Jean Paul Gustave
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Dufrenne, M. Karl Jaspers, 1947.
The Relevance of some current philosophers, 1982: t.p. (Ricoeur)
LC data base, 10/8/85 (hdg.: Ricœur, Paul; usage: Paul Ricœur, Paul Ricoeur, P. Ricœur)
Cheng, S.C. Lü-ko-erh ti hsiang cheng che hsüeh, 1984: t.p. (Lü-ko-erh) p. 5 (prof. Paul Ricoeur)
Li shih hsüeh chia ti chi i yü kung hsien, 1993: t.p. (Pao-lo Li-kʻo)
Bib. nat. de France Web OPAC, Jan. 23, 2002 (Ricoeur, Paul (1913-....); b. Feb. 27; French national; writes also in English)
French Wikipedia WWW site, May 23, 2005 (Paul Ricœur; b. Feb. 27, 1913, Valence; d. May 20, 2005, Châtenay-Malabry; French Christian philosopher)
On translation, c2006: ECIP t.p. (Paul Ricoeur) data view (d. 2005)
¿Hacia dónde se dirigen los valores?, 2006: page 408 (Paul Ricoeur: ex profesor de filosofía en las universidades de Estrasburgo, de París-Sorbona y de París X-Nanterre)
Polʹ Rikër v Moskve, 2013: t.p. (Поль Рикёр = Polʹ Rikĕr)
Fonds Ricœur Web site, 30 November 2016: main page (Paul Ricœur (1913-2005)) Biographie (teaching positions: Strasbourg, 1948-57; Sorbonne, 1957-64; Nanterre, 1965-70 (participated in founding the new university and founded the Département de philosophie); Université de Louvain (taught for 3 years); Divinity School, Chicago (succeeded Paul Tillich); Département de philosophie, Université de Chicago, 1970-1992; while holding the Chicago position, he continued to live in Châtenay-Malabry, dividing his time between France and the United States) Biographie-chronologie (1913: 27 February: Jean, Paul, Gustave Ricœur born in Valence, Drôme)
Internet encyclopedia of philosophy, 30 November 2016 (Paul Ricœur; Jean Paul Gustave Ricœur)