Abrahams, Israel, 1858-1925 (Personal Name)
- Abrahams, I. (Israel), 1858-1925
- אבראהאמס, ישראל, 1858־1925
- אבראהאמס, י.
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nuc89-35331: Talmud. Hagigah. Hagigah, 1984 (hdg. on UU rept.: Abrahams, Israel, 1858-1925; usage: I. Abrahams)
Wikipedia, viewed April 20, 2020 (b. London, November 26, 1858; d. Cambridge, October 6, 1925; one of the most distinguished Jewish scholars of his generation; wrote a number of classics on Judaism, most notably, Jewish Life in the Middle Ages, in 1896) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_Abrahams