Assemblies of God (Corporate Name)
- Asambleas de Dios
Old catalog heading: Assemblies of God, General Council.
Crabtree, C.T. This I believe, c1982: t.p. verso (Assemblies of God)
New internatl. dict. of Christ. church, 1979 (Assemblies of God)
Assemblies of God. Like a river, 1964? (Assemblies of God is the name of the Pentecostal group created in 1914. It is divided in several depts., commissions, missions, etc.)
El plan basico, 1990: t.p. (Asambleas de Dios)
Phone call to Fairfax Assembly of God, 8-84 (Assemblies of God is the official name of the denomination. The governing body is its General Council)