Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (Corporate Name)
- Evangelisk-lutherske kirke i Amerika
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (Eielsen Synod)
- Eielsen Synod
- Eielsen's Synod
- Elling Synod
- Ellingian Synod
Den kristelige laegmand, jan. 1944: t.p. (Evangelisk-lutherske kirke i Amerika) masthead (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America)
The Lutherans in North America, 1975: p. 185 (Eielsen Synod org. 1846; Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; popularly known as the Eielsen Synod) p. 335 (1876, reorg. of Eielsen Synod under new name, Hauge's Synod; organizational changes displeased Eielsen who continued Eielsen's Synod on the old basis with a tiny following of pastors and congregations; henceforth Eielsen's Synod was on the periphery of Norwegian-American Lutheran developments, but it continued in isolated existence until in the 1960s when it faded away as a synodical organization)
Norlie, O.M. The United Church home missions, 1909: p. 69-70 (Elling Synod)
The Luth. world alm. and ency., 1934-1937: p. 53 (The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Eielsen Synod; official name of our synod is the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and just as a matter of quick recognition we have added in parenthesis Eielsen Synod)
The Ency. of the Luth. Ch., 1965: v. 1, p. 769 (Eielsen Synod; disbanded early in 1965; official name is Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, but it always has been known as Eielsen Synod (also Ellingian Synod); Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (Eielsen Synod))
Ency. of Amer. religion, 1987 (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; Eielsen Synod; reduced to 2 congregations)
Phone call to Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 3/31/88 (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, formed Jan. 1, 1988 by the merger of 3 bodies; no connection with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America [which is also known as the Eielsen Synod])