International Religious Foundation (Corporate Name)
- Kukche Chonggyo Chaedan
- Later heading: Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace
How can the religions of the world be unified? c1987: CIP prelim. (International Religious Foundation)
Encyc. handbook of cults in America, 1986 (International Religious Foundation)
Phone call to Foundation, 6-3-87 (IRF; located in New York, N.Y.)
Chonggyo hwahap ŭl tʻonghan segye pʻyŏnghwa, 1990: t.p. (Kukche Chonggyo Chaedan)
IRFWP newsletter, spring 1993: caption (Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace); Dialogue & alliance, 2009: p. 3 (International Religious Foundation and its successor, Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace)