Gerosa, Libero (Personal Name)
nuc88-34024: His La scomunica è una pena? 1984 (hdg. on CSt rept.: Gerosa, Libero; usage: Libero Gerosa)
Diritto ecclesiale e pastorale, 1991: title page (Libero Gerosa)
Kirchliches Recht und Pastoral, 1991: title page (Libero Gerosa) back cover (Prof. Dr. theol. habil.; born 1949 in Stabio)
Johannes Paul II., Gesetzgeber der Kirche, 2017: title page (Libero Gerosa) back cover (Libero Gerosa; founder of the Istituto internazionale di diritto canonico e diritto comparato delle religioni (DiReCom) in Lugano; has served as consultor to the Pontifical Council for the Laity and to the Congregation for the Clergy)
Facoltà di teologia di Lugano website, viewed November 15, 2018: link to Facoltà page (under Emeriti: Libero Gerosa; studied theology at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, and at Munich; received his doctorate in 1984 from the University of Fribourg,
Italian Wikipedia, viewed November 15, 2018 (Libero Gerosa; born March 2, 1949, in Stabio; Swiss jurist and theologian)