Gilpin, William, 1724-1804 (Personal Name)
- Frampton, Josiah, 1724-1804
BM cat. (William Gilpin; 1796 ed. of his Three dialogues on the amusements of clergymen entered under Frampton, Josiah, pseud. and 1820 ed. with title On the amusements of clergymen under Stillingfleet, Edward, Bishop of Worcester, pseud.)
Observations sur la rivière Wye, 2014: title page (William Gilpin) page 15 (Anglican pastor, amateur artist, schoolmaster; wrote about landscapes and aesthetics)
Wikipedia, WWW site, viewed December 8, 2016 (William Gilpin (Priest); born June 4, 1724 in Cumberland; died at Boldre, in the Forest District, Hampshire, on April 5, 1804; best known as one of the originators of the concept The picturesque)