Doueihi, Milad (Personal Name)
URIs added to this record for the PCC URI MARC Pilot. Please do not remove or edit the URIs.
A perverse history of the human heart, 1997: CIP t.p. (Milad Doueihi)
Doueihi, Milad. Augustine and Spinoza, 2010: ECIP t.p. (Milad Doueihi) data view (b. 06-25-59)
OCLC, January 10, 2019 (usage includes: Milad Ntanios Doueihi; Cornell Ph. D., 2012)
Université catholique Louvain WWW site, viewed January 10, 2019 (Milad Doueihi, born 1959 in Lebanon; American researcher, philosopher and historian of religions in the modern West; currently Humanum Chair of Digital Humanism at Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris-IV); founded the Chair of Digital Humanism at Université Laval; graduate of Cornell University; has taught in United States (Johns Hopkins University), Canada and United Kingdom; theorist of the digital world)