Heron, Alasdair I. C. (Personal Name)
- Earlier heading: Heron, Alasdair
Two churches, one love, 1977: title page (Alasdair Heron)
A century of Protestant theology, 1980: title page (Alasdair I.C. Heron)
The Westminster Confession in the Church today, 1982: title page (Alasdair I.C. Heron) page 153 (professor of Reformed theology in the University of Erlangen, Germany)
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek online catalog, viewed December 1, 2016 (authorized access point: Heron, Alasdair I. C.; other data in authority record: full name, Alasdair Iain Campbell Heron; born 1942 in Murree, Pakistan; received his Promotion at the Universität Tübingen; professor of Reformed theology at the Universität Erlangen) http://d-nb.info/gnd/109965043
Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche in Deutschland website, viewed December 1, 2016 (under Alasdair Heron gestorben: Alasdair Heron, former professor of Reformed theology in Erlangen; died May 7, 2014, at age 71; son of a pastor of the Church of Scotland, he was born in Murree, Pakistan; he grew up in Scotland and studied in Edinburgh; he was called to the Universität Erlangen in 1981) http://reformiert.de/nachricht/items/zum-tod-von-alisdair-heron.html